• Appointment form

Your appointment — online

Schedule your appointment at Supamitr-Sena Cataract Clinic using the form below.

What we need:

Your personal details, reason for appoint­ment, and your pre­fer­red date(s).

What's optional (but recommended):

You can supply your medical details (medical history, aller­gies, current medi­ca­tion etc.) in ad­vance. Doing so takes the stress out of sup­ply­ing this infor­ma­tion when you first regis­ter at our hospi­tal. It gives our per­son­nel the chance to assess your infor­ma­tion, and to con­tact you if there are any ques­tions, or issues that you may need to dis­cuss with your local doc­tor be­fore pro­ceed­ing with sur­gery.
Filling in the questio­naire is a win-win situation for all! Your infor­ma­tion is of course treated com­ple­tely con­fi­dential­ly, in full com­pli­ance with natio­nal laws and regu­la­tions con­cern­ing per­so­nal and medi­cal data.

How this works:

Shortly after sending off the form, you will receive an auto­ma­ted email, con­firm­ing that your data has been re­ceiv­ed by the hospi­tal. Our staff will later con­tact you per email with a sug­gest­ion (or sug­gest­ions) for an appoint­ment. Please note that due to our work­flow, we are not able to make appoint­ments for a pre­cise time; you will instead be given a time slot, such as "between 09:00 and 11:30".

Personal data:


male   female


eye examination
cataract surgery
knee replacement
health check-up
other (please specify below)


* These fields are required.

Medical history & data (optional, but recommended):




Notes regarding the above questions: