Hospital services

Specialized, but still all-rounders

While our hospital has two speciali­za­tions – cataract eye surgery and knee replace­ment, it is still also a general hospi­tal in the tra­di­tio­nal sense, offer­ing all the neces­sary ser­vices you would expect, on a day-to-day and 24/7 basis. With one small dif­fe­rence that sets us apart: our repu­ta­tion of being a "hos­pi­tal with a heart".
Prevention, treat­ment and re­ha­bili­ta­tion at high­est quali­ty stand­ards, while always keep­ing an eye on cost-effect­ive­ness, allows us to serve our patients at afford­able rates. Our out­stand­ing and de­di­cated doc­tors, nurses and medical health pro­fes­sion­als are on a con­stant mis­sion – to make life just that little bit more livable, in the event that health issues unexpectedly strike.
We are not only there for you during bad times – in fact, we do our very best to help you pre­vent health issues in the first place! Visit our Check­up Center while you're still feeling healthy and good, to make sure it stays that way. We also have spe­cial­ists for tra­di­tio­nal Chinese medi­cine.
High on our list are obste­trics and gyne­co­logy – we pro­vide ante­natal treat­ment, and we also offer treat­ment of com­mon gyne­co­logical disea­ses. We help with family plan­ning coun­sel­ing and can make re­com­men­da­tions re­gard­ing the use of hor­mone re­place­ment thera­py after meno­pause, and in con­junc­tion with in­fer­tility in women.
For patients with kidney disea­ses that re­quire machine dia­lysis, our hos­pi­tal offers a team of doc­tors and nurses spe­cial­iz­ing in the care of kid­ney pati­ents, and we have the dia­lysis ma­chi­nes to per­form the re­cur­ring job.

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